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For families with children

Villa Gracia provides opportunities for families with children to fully enjoy a family vacation or weekend stay. For the little ones we provide children's needs such as cots, baby bath, potty, children's dining chair, bed barrier, children's toilet seat, steps to the sink/toilet.

For more information visite the site Patince or Podhájska

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For the physically handicapped

We also thought about people with disabilities. Wheelchair users can easily get to our ground floor apartments from the car park. Some of our apartments have next facilities :

  • bathroom handles
  • shower chair
  • toilet extension

For more information visite the site Patince or Podhájska


For cyclists

For cyclist we recommend planning a route along the bike path. The proximity of the surrounding villages and the picturesqueness of the local landscape directly calls for cycling. It is an ideal environment for cycling and sightseeing trips to the surrounding area with many ponds, old mansions.

For more information visite the site Patince or Podhájska

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Stay with a pet

Are you interested in a holiday or stay with your pet? So we will probably please you, because pets are welcome in Villa Gracia. You can find the fee in the price list.

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For groups

This offer is only applies to Villa Gracia in Podhájska

Villa Gracia offers the possibility of organization of

  • training / teambuilding
  • Christmas parties for companies
  • family celebrations

Our complex offers 2 common rooms with a maximum capacity (25-40 people)

Presentation by connecting to a TV

  • Organization of events
  • Room decoration
  • Table settings
  • Tablecloth rental
  • Provision of meals through a nearby restaurant
  • Service during the event

Common room rental see the price list.

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For couples

Surprise your partner with a romantic stay at Villa Gracia!

Enjoy romantic moments together with a glass of champagne in the hot tub or a walk in nature!

For lovers of active recreation, we recommend to plan a bicycle tour along the bike paths or simply get on a bike and let yourself be carried away by the wind.

If you would like to pamper your partner even more, use the option to book in advance with accommodation

  • a bottle of champagne
  • cake / box of chocolates
  • bouquet / nice surprise

For more information visite the site Patince or Podhájska

Where to find us